Last Kingdom: Will Sihtric leave The Last Kingdom season 5?

Recent-Study said: “I wish they gave him more dialogue. Especially would like to see more banter between the trio of Uhtred, Finan, and Sihtric!”

Viewers have stressed the importance of his character in the series, even if he only has a minor role. Reconlabtech said: “He is the man on the left to Finan’s man on the right.

“I find it very satisfying just knowing he is there by Uhtred’s side through the big changes in this season. He is an anchor in a very rocky period of time.”

Sihtric’s character survives in The Saxon Stories, so hopefully he will not be killed off in season five.

Frustrated_queen said: “I just wish they give him more lines or exposure. I feel like he could be a character as good as Finnan. Or he is like that in even in the books?”

Some fans have pointed out how he has even fewer lines in the books, especially as Uhtred’s son, Young Uhtred (Finn Elliot) joins the group and takes prominence.

Fans were worried he was going to be killed off when Haesten (Jeppe Beck Laursen) and his men hung him and his friends upside down from trees.
