Scorpio October 2020 horoscope: What does October mean for Scorpios?

The first Full Moon happens on October 1, and it’s in fiery Aries.

As a water sign, Scorpio tends to be quite emotional and empathetic, and they hate feeling like someone else is controlling them.

This Aries Full Moon may encourage Scorpio to reassess what they want and don’t want in their lives.

Kirsty said: “This Full Moon in Aries is bringing a powerhouse of dynamic energy calling you into your own needs, power and sense of self – it’s time to shine.

“This fiery first sign of the zodiac is coming in strong to help you to take back complete control of your life and kick start much needed change, especially when it comes to places in your life you have given away your power or lost yourself.

“Under this Full Moon you can gain huge clarity on emotions, beliefs, relationships, identities and everything else that you need to let go of.

“It’s a Full Moon of deep inner healing and allowing old wounds to surface, stuck stagnant energy to start to shift and anything holding you back to be released.”

This Full Moon will force you to see what is healthy and what isn’t in your life.
What do you need to get rid of to achieve your goals?

You’re about to start taking care of yourself… what works for YOU?
