The Curious Case of God of War Ragnaroks 2021 Release Date

Crazyglues2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Sorry I want to approve this but I got flagged for approving a story with a flag even though when I was approving it, it didn’t have a red flag, — how is that..? because I had the story in a tab, went to read something on Facebook came back a little later and said oh let me hit approve on this story I almost forgot about and already checked out.. boom! – I get a warning for approving something that had a red flag on it…. – So I’m done, to play it safe I don’t approve stuff anymore, complete waste of my time, especially since I work for free, and clearly I’m not doing it right….

-But anyway, I agree with you on that timeline, God of War Ragnarok seems to be a rush to get done, because after the success of the first one you would think it would have already been in production, but nope, after Sony has seen how big PS5’s launch has become, it seems the plan is now get everything they can to come out 2021…

Not a bad idea at all, don’t want to disappoint, but very UN-realistic too since Ragnarok is just now ramping up, it’s unlikely to even make 2021, let’s be honest Q4 of 2021 is a stretch, they are probably trying to do the Spider-man approach, not as big a game just an expansion on what was already a huge successful game.. either way 2021 is a bubblegum promise, it’s not going to happen.. No-way..! We didn’t even have a game-play trailer, that tells you all you need to know on how far along this is… My fingers are crossed, I would love it in 2021, but I don’t see it happening..

I can’t wait to play it either… Let’s just hope it some how happens
