Coronavirus symptoms: An involuntary bodily response could be a sign of COVID-19

Right at the beginning of the pandemic, coronavirus was likened to the common cold; that’s because it shares many of the symptoms. One more cold-like symptom can overcome you. What is it?

If you find yourself feeling a chill, for no apparent reason, you may be infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

According to the Mayo Clinic, chills are classified as a symptom of the COVID-19 disease.

Are you confused about all the different names: coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, and COVID-19?

SARS-CoV-2 (the new coronavirus) causes the coronavirus disease COVID-19 – with chills being a symptom of the condition.

Chills are felt when the muscles repeatedly expand and contract, and the vessels in your skin constrict.

This involuntarily bodily response is a common reaction to a viral infection.

The sensation can occur periodically, or it may be a constant feeling during the illness.


There are two options when it comes to testing – either book an appointment at a test site near you or order a home testing kit.

The NHS noted that the swab test is only accurate if it is taken “within the first five days of showing symptoms”.

It’s important to self-isolate following the test, until you have your test results. This holds true for members of your household.

As the virus is highly contagious, there are steps you’d need to take if you’ve tested positive for the virus.

The national health body stated that anyone with a positive test result must self-isolate.

If you tested positive while displaying symptoms, it’s recommended to self-isolate for at least 10 days from when the symptoms appeared.

Should you have tested positive without showing any symptoms, it’s important to self-isolate 10 days from when you had the test.

Anyone in your household or support bubbles must self-isolate for 14 days from when you start self-isolating.
