Coronavirus symptoms update: The seven lasting symptoms of the deadly COVID-19 virus

Cardiovascular and musculoskeletal deconditioning – This could manifest itself in difficulty breathing, especially during day to day activities, or during your usual hobbies. As well as feeling unable to complete tasks or finding your job more difficult than usual.

Pulmonary embolism – Pulmonary embolisms are when your artery is blocked and is a rarer long-term symptom, and one that you are more likely to experience if you have been in intensive care with COVID-19. You could experience pains in your chest, difficulty breathing and find you are coughing up blood.

Mental health conditions – A long term effect of COVID-19 could be mental health conditions, including depression and anxiety. Depression is a mood disorder that can leave you feeling in a low mood or sad for a prolonged period of time, some who are suffering with depression can occasionally experience suicidal thoughts. Anxiety can manifest itself in feelings of worry and concern, these can be quite severe sometimes and can cause the suffer to experience panic attacks if put in a situation they find uncomfortable.

Breathing Pattern Disorders and Hyperventilation Syndrome – These issues have been seen in post-viral patients for years and are very common with COVID patients, causing or magnifying many symptoms listed above. BPDs mean there is a problem with breathing mechanics, often open mouth and/or upper chest breathing causing increased sensation of breathlessness and shoulder/neck aches and tightness. HVS means someone is breathing more than they need to, which can be quite subtle. This can lead to shortness of breath, dizziness, tingling in the fingers and face and can mimic asthma symptoms.
