Hair loss treatment: What you need to know about a hair transplant

Sometimes, you just want to be done with the medication, the hair oils and hair treatments. For a quick, effective way to restore your hair to its former glory, save up for a hair transplant.

Did you know that the pharmacy Boots has a branch that specialties in hair loss?

Well, now you do (if you were unaware). The pharmacy explained that a hair transplant “is the process of transferring hair to a balding or thinning area”.

Generally, a hair transplant is conducted under local anaesthetic and sedation. This means the procedure will be painless.

The last step in FUT is for the surgeon to stitch up the back of the head.


For FUE to take place, the hair has to be shaven off on the head, then a punch device removes individual hair grafts.

The hair grafts are then placed into small cuts made into the scalp. Both of these procedures can take place in one day.

Once discharged, do follow the medical team’s advice on how to look after your new set of hair.


Depending on how much hair loss you’ve experienced, the quality of the clinic and type of procedure you’re having, prices vary greatly.

You may only need to save up to £1,000 for a hair transplant, but the procedure could cost as much as £30,000.

This type of treatment isn’t available for free on the NHS, as it’s considered cosmetic surgery.

If you’re interested in finding a clinic near you, choose verified practitioners on the Care Quality Commission website.

Alternatively, for a much cheaper option, you could consider buying a wig.

Alopecia UK details the difference between human hair wigs and synthetic wigs.

Human hair looks and feels natural, but is more expensive than synthetic hair.

Synthetic hair, on the other hand, may be cheaper but they don’t last as long as human hair.
