Princess Beatrice birthstone meaning: What does Bea's star sign and birth stone mean?

Her moon is in Cancer and in the fifth house, making her extremely sensitive to her environment.

Princess Beatrice is very observant, picking up on people’s emotions and moods and striving to reassure others.

Her birth chart shows that she is all about her family, which is probably why she is so close with her sister Princess Eugenie.

Cancer moons love being at home, and they are very imaginative and creative.

It wouldn’t be a shock if the Princess painted, wrote, or had a musical talent alongside her History degree.

Funnily enough, Meghan Markle also is a Leo with cancer in her chart.

However, do you know anything about Princess Beatrice’s personality? Not really.

Her Aquarius rising makes her an unpredictable and mysterious person. 

For example, she has no public social media accounts for us learn more about her! 

Those with Aquarius ascendants love their freedom and tend to make surprise moves and choices.

That explains Beatrice’s decision to get married secretly during a pandemic in a borrowed gown!
