How to sleep: Inhale this natural oil before bed to ‘significantly’ improve sleep loss

Sleep loss can make you feel grouchy but it does not stop there. It can exacerbate underlying conditions and interfere with biological processes, such as glucose metabolism, blood pressure, and inflammation. This can lead to all manner of problems, one of the worst being poor heart health.

It found that the rats slept longer and more deeply than they did without consuming almond extract

The effect is attributed in part to its melatonin content.

Melatonin is a sleep-regulating hormone that has been shown to improve the sleep-cycle.

Almonds are also an excellent source of magnesium, providing 19 percent of your daily needs in only one ounce.

Why is this relevant? Consuming adequate amounts of magnesium may help improve sleep quality, especially for those who have insomnia, research shows.

What to avoid

The sleep deprived should steer clear of caffeine too close to bedtime.

As the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) explains, caffeine is a stimulant that works by blocking the action of hormones in the brain that makes us feel sleepy.

“A strong dose of caffeine can stimulate the mind for a short time, and then cause an alertness crash as the effect wears off,” the NSF warns.

If you can’t go without it, the best way to benefit from the stimulating effect of caffeine is to consume small amounts frequently throughout the day, it suggests.

Simple self-help tip

Winding down is a critical stage in preparing for bed so your bedroom should be a relaxing environment.

Experts claim there’s a strong association in people’s minds between sleep and the bedroom.

However, as the NHS points out, certain things weaken that association, such as TVs and other electronic gadgets, light, noise, and a bad mattress or bed.

“Keep your bedroom just for sleep and sex (or masturbation). Unlike most vigorous physical activity, sex makes us sleepy,” the health body recommends.
