Feature Based Opinion Mining on Mobile Phone Reviews

You open amazon.com and found out that lots of customers have given great reviews about the
well-branded mobile phone you are interested in. You wonder, are these good reviews are due to
the camera of the phone? Or, how good is the battery of the phone? And what about the
display? While the number of reviews is really large and its almost impractical for the readers
to go through all of them for evaluating the product, answers to these kinds of questions can be
really helpful in making useful decisions. In this project, our focus is to identify various features of
a mobile phone that the customers are talking about in their reviews and mine the customers’
opinion on these features. Further, we focus on identifying the polarity of these opinions and
summarize the reviews. Finally, we develop a user-interface that summarizes the opinions about
the features of the phone and rank the customer reviews based on its utility and propose an
architecture that can perform the same on the reviews of any mobile phones.

GitHub: https://github.com/ramyaramprakash/Feature-Based-Opinion-Mining-of-Mobile-Phone-Reviews