Watch Kelly Clarkson Have an Honest Discussion About Race With Her Staff

Bianca, the show’s attorney, then said, “You know, I got a rude awakening at a very young age of, like, who I was and where I belonged based on something that was completely surface.” She later added, “We have the opportunity to look inside of ourselves and say, ‘Where is there violence in my heart? Where is there racism in my heart?'” 

For his part, wardrobe supervisor Earl asked, “How much more do we have to diminish ourselves for the safety of the feeling of safety from others?”

He was followed by Rubin, who is part of the show’s audience warm-up team. “One day, I’m gonna have to sit down with my sons,” he began. “I’m gonna have to tell them that people are going to sometimes treat you poorly simply because of the color of your skin. I don’t want to have that conversation with them.”
