Online Town is like a Zoom meeting set inside a JRPG scene

The thing I miss most about pre-pandemic life is hovering at the edge of conversations, waiting for a moment to crack the perfect one-liner only to surprise and deter everyone involved from ever wanting to talk to me again as I slowly slink away and pretend to text near the snack table. Big sigh.  

Zoom meetings, Discord servers, and Google Hangouts just aren’t the same, so coding collective Siempre made a web utility that does a pretty good job mimicking the real deal. Online Town is a video conferencing tool that pairs the usual webcam and microphone setup with a top-down JRPG-esque room, where every participant is assigned a little sprite person they can move around freely. The kicker is that webcam clarity and microphone volume increase or decrease based on how close everyone’s sprites are to one another. 
