Riot is on a crusade to eradicate 'peeker's advantage' in its new FPS Valorant

How many truly universal experiences are there in human existence? The love of food; the joy of a truly cute puppy pic; exclaiming “that’s bullshit!” when a bullet in an online shooter somehow kills you through a wall. If Riot Games engineer David Straily has his way, that experience will not extend to Valorant, Riot’s upcoming tactical shooter. When I played several hours of Valorant in January and talked to Riot’s developers, I was surprised that they weren’t talking about bold, new ideas that would make their shooter unlike anything else on PC.

Instead, they were talking about the less-sexy technical stuff: anti-cheat, netcode, and a desire to eliminate peeker’s advantage altogether—things that could draw in competitive players frustrated by cheating or lag in other games.
