Who Killed Malcolm X: What is the Nation of Islam? Who is Elijah Muhammad?

Elijah Muhammad denied that NOI had anything to do with Malcolm’s death.

Still today there are conflicting eyewitness accounts of what happened on February 21, 1965.

At the time, Thomas Hagan/Talmadge X Hayer (now named Mujahid Abdul Halim), was arrested by police.

However, some witnesses have claimed an unidentified second person was taken into custody by the police.

In the following days, the NYPD arrested to other members of the Nation of Islam: Norman 3X Butler (Muhammad Abd Al-Aziz) and Thomas 15X Johnson (Khalil Islam).

Butler and Johnson denied any involvement in the murder and Hayer testified at the 1966 trial that they had not been involved.

Hayer confessed but refused to name any other accomplices.

In the end, Hayer, Butler and Johnson received three life sentences.

All three men have since been released from prison.

The current leader of the Nation of Islam is Elijah Muhammad’s son, Warith Deen Mohammed.

Who Killed Malcolm X? is streaming on Netflix now

source: express.co.uk