Supermoon LIVE stream: How to watch the Full Snow Supermoon live tonight?

Tonight’s Supermoon is an astronomical treat as it coincides with the beautiful February Snow Moon. Although astronomers here in the UK predict the Supermoon will peak tomorrow morning, you have a chance to catch it tonight live from Italy.

A Supermoon peaks whenever a Full Moon is within 90 percent of its lunar perigee or lowest orbit.

The Moon will hit perigee on Monday, February 10, so this weekend’s Full Moon is close enough to be dubbed super.

Unfortunately, when viewed from the UK, the Supermoon will peak tomorrow about 20 minutes before it sets for the day.

But a livestream hosted today from the historic city of Rome means you will have a chance to see the Supermoon without having to get up early on Sunday.

READ MORE: Snow Moon horoscope: How the Supermoon will affect your zodiac

You can watch the stream on the Virtual Telescope’s website or here on

Dr Masi said: “The February 2020 Supermoon will appear a bit brighter and bigger than an average Full Moon but casual stargazers will not recognise this at their first glance, these are not really obvious variations but this adds charm to the event, a precious opportunity to admire our natural satellite in the night sky context, an increasingly overlooked and forgotten landscape.

“The show of the Full Moon – and of course the Supermoon – offers its best when our satellite rises or sets, which happens at sunset and at dawn, respectively.

“The Full Moon shines in the sky on the opposite direction respective to the Sun, so it rises at sunset and sets at dawn.”

The February Supermoon is just the first of four to appear this year.

The Supermoons will appear on February 9, March 9, April 8 and May 7 this year.

Dr Masi said: “At night, the Full Moon is very bright, almost dazzling, compared to the darkness of the landscape.

“At its rise, the Moon appears behind monuments and elements of the landscape, generating the feeling that its disk is larger than usual, but this is just an optical illusion, due to the presence of those terrestrial elements on the line of sight, giving grounds for comparison.

“Seeing the full Moon, especially when ‘super’ rising above Rome is a unique emotion: our satellite hangs above the legendary skyline of the Eternal City, with its glorious monuments, adding their magic to the experience.”
