Locke and Key location: Where is Locke and Key filmed? Where's it set?

The crew built an enormous set which features the study, the kitchen and basement, among other rooms.

Although the show will be an adaptation, it’s not going to be a carbon copy of the source material.

Co-showrunner Carlton Cuse explained to SFX: “We meet the family when they are on the road to Matheson, Massachusetts, which is where the Locke ancestral family is.”

He said: “Through some flashbacks and exposition, we learn about the murder of Rendell and the circumstances that brought them to remake their life in this new place. “We’re setting up right away this family in this magical, special house. It’s huge, and it’s cool and ripe for exploration. That’s where our tale begins.”

Locke and Key is released on Netflix today

source: express.co.uk