Coronavirus in pictures: Scenes from around the world – CNET

On the front lines in China

A never-before-seen virus first detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan has, as of Jan. 25, infected over 1,300 Chinese citizens with a pneumonia-like illness and claimed more than 40 lives. The disease is causing alarm worldwide, with cases also reported in countries including Thailand, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, the United States and Australia. 

Here are some scenes from around the globe as scientists and citizens struggle to understand and contain the illness. 

Zhou Qiong, a doctor in the department of respiratory medicine at Union Hospital in Wuhan, China, is a member of an “assault team” formed to fight the coronavirus. The hospital is affiliated with Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

Originally published Jan. 25 and updated as new images come in. 

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Updated:Caption:CNET News staffPhoto:Cheng Min/Getty Images
