Star Wars 9 leak: Daisy Ridley SPOILS Rise of Skywalker ending, confirms Palpatine theory?

Back in September, Making Star Wars shared an alleged leak that Rey is “a Palpatine by blood, a Skywalker by choice.”

So by the sounds of it, she will choose to be a Skywalker – a Jedi of the Light Side of the Force – rather than join her blood Palpatine as a Sith.

Of course, it’s worth pointing out that technically Anakin, Luke, Leia and Kylo Ren, though Skywalkers, are all Palatines.

After all, it’s been confirmed in a canon Darth Vader comic that Darth Sidious manipulated Midi-chlorians to create Anakin in his mother Shmi Skywalker’s womb.
