Crapshoot: Pepper's Adventures in Time, a very American edutainment


From 2010 to 2014 Richard Cobbett wrote Crapshoot, a column about bringing random obscure games back into the light. For some reason when it came the turn of children’s adventure Pepper’s Adventures in Time he transformed into the most English man alive.

Sometimes, it’s fun to play the villain. We all know this. But there are limits. We live in a civilised civilisation, and as such, not everything can be permitted. There are scoundrels whose mere existence is an affront to the one true Queen, she who all right-thinking Ladies and Gentlemen call Majesty. There are sins that should never be played out, particularly not in an ‘edutainment’ game designed to inform and shape other fragile minds. Some things, some people, are just… beyond inappropriate.
