Europe heatwave: Temperatures reaching an unsustainable level for humans – shock warning

Europe is facing the hottest temperature on record, and some scientists are warning that the heat is approaching levels which the body cannot cope with. Europeans in particular are at more risk than most of the rest of the world, as people who live there are not acclimatised to sustained scorching temperatures. One of the dangerous factors in particular has been the high levels of humidity across the continent.

When temperatures exceed 35 degrees Celsius, the human body relies on sweat to cool it down.

However, if temperatures are above that level and humidity is also high, which has been the case, the air feels warmer and sweat is essentially made redundant.

This is called the ‘wetbulb’ temperature – when sweat begins to have less of an effect.

And Europe and the UK are approaching this moment, according to Tom Matthews, a lecturer in climate science at Loughborough University.

Mr Matthews wrote for The Conversation: “Once this wetbulb temperature threshold is crossed, the air is so full of water vapour that sweat no longer evaporates.

“Without the means to dissipate heat, our core temperature rises, irrespective of how much water we drink, how much shade we seek, or how much rest we take.

“Without respite, death follows – soonest for the very young, elderly or those with pre-existing medical conditions.

“The UK is moving into new territory when it comes to managing extreme heat. But the places that are already heat stressed will see the largest absolute increases in humid-heat with the smallest safety margin before reaching physical limits, and they are often least-equipped to adapt to the hazard.

“It is therefore hardly surprising that extreme heat drives migration. Such mass displacement makes extreme heat a worldwide issue.

“Little Britain will feel the consequence of conditions far away from its temperate shores.”
