Get weird with Razer’s new energy drinks video – CNET

I didn’t close the lid.
Razor has just released a mental performance drink mix which we all know is code for caffeine-filled red fuel.
It’s called Razer Respawn and it’s designed for gamers.
Jokes on them.
I haven’t played a new game since Half Life two.
Also, my doctor says that I shouldn’t have caffeine because it has a tendency to make my heart stop and I need my heart to live.
What does he know?
I’m gonna have a crack at the Razer Respawn, I’m gonna watch some trailers, and I’m gonna get high.
The first one I’m going to watch in cyberpunk 2077 now I’m told that this is a pretty big game.
So I reckon blue raspberry.
We got here.
I’m supposed to shake it.
All right.
In 2077 they voted my city the worst place to live in America.
Thought that was just like New York.
Sky high rate of violence.
People living below the poverty line and anywhere else.
It’s not good.
Did I not put enough water in it feels radioactive and it kind of matches all the like cyberpunk.
Neon vibes of the trailer.
I’m getting Blade Runner.
Gosh why would you want to game with this?
It’s got green tea extract in it so that’s really great.
It’s supposed to have 16 to 20 ounces of cold water.
Use the metric system America.
I don’t know how much that is.
Next up I’m going to do Borderlands 3 and I thought that would go well with tropical pineapple.
Because Borderlands 3 is kind of a yellow game right.
The kind of whole claptrap vibe.
I’m gonna put more water in this time because I think I made some strategic errors last time with the whole not understanding the imperial system.
This is like a 23 ounce bottle.
So it smells like pineapple.
It smells like a pineapple Lolly.
Let’s go Borderlands 3. All right, I’m seeing Bandits.
I’m seeing cel-shading.
This is what I’m here for.
Children of the Vault give you a pledge.
So we got a vault Hunter vibe.
Okay, but we still feel more comfortable with her living with us versus her living on her own.
Well, she also move back to Louisiana.
Okay, is she from there?
Well, she’s originally from she’s really from the state that Chicago.
Putting them in my bag, and then taking them out again.
If I’m drinking this, I guess I feel like gaining, because I’m starting to get a lot energy that I don’t have anywhere to put.
I could go night clubbing, definitely.
Why is he playing the saxophone?
I mean, the last one I put this much water in.
This one’s up to here, so maybe that’s why blue [UNKNOWN] wasn’t great.
Caffeine content, 95 milligrams per serving.
[LAUGH] [LAUGH] It laughs in the face of my English breakfast tea.
Pomegranate and watermelon.
So the next one I’m going to watch is control something about telekinesis.
Do not exceed three servings per day.
It smells like jelly, like jello mix.
I feel like now that I’m on my third, I’m definitely feeling a little bit buzzy.
Maybe that’s why I didn’t notice the lid was closed.
[LAUGH] I’m gonna play control.
from the outside, it looks like an ordinary
I hate watermelon flavor.
Watermelon Jolly Ranchers, watermelon gum.
Play, I don’t know what’s happening, everybody.
Everything is floating and spinning.
I can’t tell what’s real anymore.
It’s all watermelon the subtleties of the pomegranate just start there if I was looking for the flavor profile.
It’s very watermelon forward.
I’m feeling pretty wired, but I want to go on to number 4 and exceed the maximum dosage.
What else to do but watch the trailer for a game that I can’t play on a raised a laptop Pokemon sword and shield.
I don’t know that I’m crazy about Pokemon and I sure as heck.
I’m not crazy about Green Apple.
So I feel like these to go really well together.
I don’t have much water left.
So, No, let’s watch some Pokemons Nintendo switch.
All right there in some town.
Do they live inside the balls when they’re not fighting and they’re really cute, but they’re such combative creatures.
It’s kind of fresh, it tastes like, it tastes like green apple, it tastes kind of like a real apple, you know how like fake apple doesn’t taste like apple but it sometimes tastes like real apples.
It’s kind of like a real apple.
It’s burn, it’s fighting this guys, it’s a lot of explosions.
mmm Getting a real…
There’s Pikachu!
Is he still a detective?
Okay, there’s a guy and he’s got a sword in his mouth, and he looks like he’s maybe a Power Ranger, but now his friend has a sword.
I don’t wanna play this game.
I don’t wanna play it.
I wanna play the other ones I’ll play ball and land so play.
I’ll play catch.
It’s over.
Anyway, so razor I give it a maybe seven out of ten if you like energy drinks and you really gonna love it, but if you don’t like energy drinks, then it’s not fizzy.
I like fizzy stuff
