Here's a peek under the skin of Koenigsegg's totally batsh*t Jesko – Roadshow

Koenigsegg’s Jesko blew a lot of people’s minds — including ours — when it debuted earlier this year in Geneva, and it’s easy to see why. The numbers around the car almost read like science fiction.

How then does an objectively small company like Koenigsegg go about designing and building a car like the Jesko that produces around 1,600 pounds of downforce? Very carefully and in an immaculate facility, as it turns out. got an in-depth tour of the Jesko (and a free pair of pants) shortly before the car’s debut in Geneva, and it’s nothing if not engineering and manufacturing porn. The odds are good that we’ll never drive a Jesko since its asking price is just shy of $3 million, but getting to see where and how it’s made is almost as cool (and less scary).
