April 2019 Ramble/Update – Reviews To Come, And More

Hello. Don’t have a review this weekend, so enjoy me sounding a bit sick and tired while updating you on reviews to come, Smash DLC, the Kingdom Hearts series, new game capture technology, and the comeback of Viddy Discusses.

Nintendo Reviewer’s video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zv2tgFq7WDM

Additional information:

I hope to stick to the review calendar as much as possible. I’ve had little to no work lately, and ViddyOGamesForFun has become more enjoyable again – and something I really want to do more of. Anything could happen…

In regards to footage of old games – I’m aware of emulation [with mods and add-ons that make the games look nice – including the PC/Steam version of Final Fantasy 7], technology such as the Raspberry Pi and Retron 5 and so on. I prefer to play games as close to the original release as possible, though Virtual Console releases [which are essentially high res and have small differences] will surely be an exception.

Oh, and I apologize for tricking people on April 1st with that ‘games collection’ video…

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