Robert Downey Jr. Is Settling Mustache Debate With Chris Evans and Mark Ruffalo Once and for All

Robert Downey Jr.,  2008

Koichi Kamoshida/Getty Images

Part of the journey is the end. The reckoning is near. The time has come. Sacrifices must be made. This is the real Avengers: Endgame.

So…which Avenger can grow the best mustache?

Robert Downey Jr. is facing off against co-stars Mark Ruffalo‘s and Chris Evansin the ultimate beauty competition. He posted on his Twitter page on Wednesday a collage of photos of each actor sporting a mustache—him at the Iron Man press conference in Tokyo in 2008, a pic of Evans at the launch of the Broadway play Lobby Hero in 2018, and a younger publicity shot of Ruffalo.

“Ok this time it’s real—Who wore it best, @ChrisEvans @MarkRuffalo?” Downey tweeted.

Some fans wanted a fourth option.

And sometimes there are just no winners.

Avengers: Endgame is set for release on April 26.
