Stomach bloating warning: The popular vegetable you should avoid or risk trapped wind pain

Stomach bloating is a common condition that affects most people at some point in their lifetime, according to the NHS. The condition makes the stomach feel swollen, puffy, and is generally very uncomfortable. Bloating pain may be caused by the foods eaten, or by eating too much or too fast. But sufferers could lower their risk of stomach bloating by cutting back on the amount of mushrooms in their diet, it’s been claimed.

Mushrooms could be contributing to stomach pain if they are often added to dinner, revealed gastroenterologist, Dr Brian Cooley.

They contain the sugar raffinose, which some people struggle to properly digest, he said.

It therefore sits in the the large intestine, where bacteria can feed on it, releasing excess gas at the same time.

“No one is immune from gas, unfortunately. But when your bloating leaves you in pain because of abdominal distention it could be a problem.

“You get to be your own investigator in finding out what foods cause bloating and gas in your body.” said Cooley.

“Like the ‘musical fruit’, mushrooms contain the oligosaccharide sugar raffinose which can contribute to digestive issues.

“Cooking these vegetables also helps to break down the fibre and a sugar molecule called raffinose, which bacteria in the large intestine feed on and can release gas that causes your bloating feeling.

“Like most things, portion control is the main goal. So try small amounts of cooked mushrooms and see if your stomach is less sensitive.”

You could also be left feeling bloated by regularly eating raw cruciferous vegetables, he warned.

Cruciferous vegetables – including broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and kale – are one of the worst foods for making people feel bloated.

But simply cooking them before eating helps to break down their cell walls, which makes them easier to digest.

Some people may be feeling bloated if they have other medical conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, or Coeliac disease.

Swallowing air could also be raising your risk of bloating pain. You could swallow air by drinking through a straw, or by talking with your mouth full of food.

People are more likely to feel bloated after a big weekend – especially around the festive season.

Speak to a doctor if your bloating symptoms don’t go away, said the NHS.

It could be caused by something more serious, including ovarian cancer.
