Artificial Intelligent Computers Cannot Help Humans Think, Exercise or Diet?

Many people just cannot stand the thought of Artificial Intelligent Computers surpassing mankind in intelligent and some say it will never happen. I say well if that is not the biggest bunch of BS, fundamentalism and blindness I have ever heard in my entire life, then surely I do not know what is. As the operator of an Online Think Tank we get all sorts of folks e-mailing us their predictions, thoughts, observations and Biblical Scriptures as proof of their premise.

Great I say, but when such jaded opinion smacks of non-sense, well I just have to tell you about it, as you probably know. Recently someone told our online think tank that computers, technology and artificial intelligence can not help humans think; just like they cannot help you with your dieting or exercising.

Well baloney, as you can invent “Nerve Pulse Firing Units” for muscle movements; high repetition, low or no weight. The Israelis invented a Sound Wave Fat Zapper, probably from one of my innovative concepts I wrote about. You can create more free-time to exercise through advanced robotics and tools. So in essence I would say I do not believe that you cannot replace dieting and exercise.

Further I see a time when you will have an AI computer on the table of the board room connected to the digital nervous system of the Government, Corporation, NGO or family household, which has data feed points to predict in advance what is needed to help “intuitively know” where resources are needed and opportunities await.

Personally, I am sure; I could design this and then let the programmers go to work on it. The Military is already working on it. And really isn’t that just talking Sam Walton’s concepts he brings forth in “Made in America” and bringing them into the modern context. So, there you have it. I hope this article propels thought in 2007 and helps you in your quest to be the best.