WATCH: PREVIEW: BLACKPINK on Strahan and Sara this Friday, Feb. 15!

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Transcript for PREVIEW: BLACKPINK on Strahan and Sara this Friday, Feb. 15!

You’re fans they really cool you mean they’re called the blinks. And you having speed light sticks. Are they can. Every lovely wife thinks explaining to us so. Since this is planet the eight homes. Greens have been present themselves typically in the heart hammer yes sitting lineup consuming their months like that they the kiwis and can play out links. I see me noises you. Zion just in the US line and we need him like that they’re ugly green. Some they’re opening sounds now like to me specifically make it’s and then. They can have fun in my differently and you yeah. About it but we decided to have a little fun we’ve made our own and we want to know you think. My eyes now. Yeah like yeah. Yeah so many think it’s like a light Saber in yeah. Why are still ahead do you during the filled life but anyway yeah and we are not to lose and you don’t try to sell that. I would island. You and our first. Near other American food you wanted to try eighth. Yeah. Clinton hasn’t loan you know but did not even if she’s definitely extreme hot tub she isn’t that you aren’t cheap date. Mercy fits under the New York is like yeah. I love it pentagon Hopkinton street. In this all your a lot of your blink there wondering when he you’re next. Comeback. I mean never give them and say to this. And we’re very few and entering only routine annual Elton. One. And certainly not taking when the in the. Every day enough steam yet. In the east Abilene on Twitter wanted to ask you to dance itself. I don’t know the.

This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.

{“id”:61021129,”title”:”PREVIEW: BLACKPINK on Strahan and Sara this Friday, Feb. 15!”,”duration”:”2:42″,”description”:”Jisoo, Jennie, Lisa, and Rose show Michael and Sara their signature dance moves. Watch their full appearance and performance of “Forever Young” on Friday, Feb. 15 at 1 p.m. EST/ 12 p.m. PST”,”url”:”/GMA/GMA_Day/video/preview-blackpink-strahan-sara-friday-feb-15-61021129″,”section”:”GMA”,”mediaType”:”default”}
