WATCH: 'Happy Days' star Henry Winkler tells the story behind the iconic shark-jumping scene

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Transcript for ‘Happy Days’ star Henry Winkler tells the story behind the iconic shark-jumping scene

Most tight shots of you are clearly you wonderfully army I did everything but the GI Lan. It’s that it’s. And behind him and I’m smiling. Half that smile is the fines going me the this. And the other hand is hand me going all my god you did it.

This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.

{“id”:60901170,”title”:”‘Happy Days’ star Henry Winkler tells the story behind the iconic shark-jumping scene”,”duration”:”0:25″,”description”:””Half that smile is the Fonz going, ‘Hey, look at that. I did it.’ And the other half is Henry going, ‘Oh my god. You did it,'” Winkler told ABC News’ “Nightline” co-anchor Juju Chang.”,”url”:”/Nightline/video/happy-days-star-henry-winkler-tells-story-iconic-60901170″,”section”:”Nightline”,”mediaType”:”default”}
