WATCH: Parents irate after baby possibly exposed to measles in Washington state clinic

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Transcript for Parents irate after baby possibly exposed to measles in Washington state clinic

New developments this evening in the spread of measles that outbreak which is now a public health emergency in Washington State in fact we’ve learned a seven month old girl. Has now been quarantined they fear she was exposed and tonight. The so called hot spots elsewhere in this country. ABC’s Matt up and is in Portland organ. Little League Johnson faces another week in quarantine freaking out and every little or and yet golf every thing the seven month old might have been exposed to a growing measles outbreak when she visited a nearby clinic in Vancouver Washington and has gotten the point where I’m angry he’s angry because doctors believe that — leak still too young for a vaccination. Was put at risk by people who chose not to vaccinated their children some of those folks are out there force. Petroleum fortunate they’re doing damage. They’re doing serious damage because dust can result from us per pediatrician Paul Thomas treats. Hundreds of vaccine hesitant families they have concerns about the safety of vaccines. So they’re hesitant to do a vaccine. And tonight in Hawaii doctors say there on the lookout for a measles outbreak. After two people exposed to measles in Washington State visited Hawaii. Public health experts are already watching fourteenth so called hotspots around the country where they’re seeing a delay or refusal to the action eight. The measles David is considered a spectacularly. Contagious virus it can linger in the air for hours after an infected person leaves a room. That’s a major reason that clinicians here expect this outbreak. The last for months David match up and again tonight thanks.

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{“id”:60711622,”title”:”Parents irate after baby possibly exposed to measles in Washington state clinic”,”duration”:”1:34″,”description”:”A growing outbreak of measles, which is contagious, has been identified in Vancouver.”,”url”:”/WNT/video/parents-irate-baby-possibly-exposed-measles-washington-state-60711622″,”section”:”WNT”,”mediaType”:”default”}
