Indonesia earthquake WARNING: Will earthquake trigger Krakatau volcano eruption?

Indonesia, situated on the infamous Ring of Fire, is commonly under attack from some vicious earthquake activity, and has just been rocked by magnitude 5 tremors.  The country is one of several which has teeming seismic activity, as some 76 volcanoes are resident on select islaneds.  One of the most dangerous is the Anak Krakatau volcano, which recently blew its top and decimated nearby coastlines with a vicious tsunami. Now, separate tremors are 

Will the earthquake trigger Krakatau volcano eruption?

The current earthquake is taking place on the northwestern tip of Indonesia, off the coast of Aceh. 

Tremors were situated just off the coast, with magnitudes of 5.1 threatening repercussions to nearby land. 

However, one place which won’t see any effects is the Anak Krakatau volcano. 

This is because the volcano is situated on a completely different end of Indonesia.