Curiosity Killed the Can not

When I was younger, some of my friends would say that it looked like I was good at everything, without ever trying. First of all, "everything" is an exaggeration to say the least. There were plenty of things that I was terrible at, and still am.It may have seemed that way to them since I was good at what I was interested in, and we shared similar interests. For example, when I was in high school, I loved skateboarding. I was one of the better skaters in my social circle. I'm a short guy (was even shorter then), yet I could ollie (jump) higher than just about anyone. However, I did not just skate when I was out with my friends. I would skate almost daily in the alleyways behind my house, jumping over bricks. First it was one brick, then 2, 3, 4, 5, until eventually it was somewhere around 15. Quite, I started playing guitar in high school. I was not in a band at the time, so no one really ever saw me play. I would get guitar tabs off the Internet, learn my favorite songs, and play along to them as if I was in the band myself. By the time I had my own band, it seemed to everyone else like I just picked up a guitar and magically knew how to play.

There's really no excuse for not knowing how to do something nowdays. The Internet alone can make you knowledgeable in any subject, and provides how-to's on just about everything. While college is a great place for personal growth and to make connections, the information is not exclusive. If you continuously gain new knowledge and learn new skills, you will slowly but surely start to think differently, more constructively and critically. I started reading books on physics and biology, simply because it felt a little strange that I was not even slightly familiar with these subjects, which are basically the foundation for the way everything works, including myself. Biology alone changed my perception on what it means to be a human, to be alive, and how I should interact with the world around me.

Now soaking in all of this new knowledge and acquiring new skills is great, and you will feel better just having it all under your belt, but you may as well put it to use. Think deeply about why you selected those specific subjects to study and how they connect. There are free career assessment tests available to help you. This should give you some kind of idea of ​​what you want out of life and, knowing that, you can set long term goals to achieve it. Do you find yourself researching how different electronics work? Maybe you want to be an engineer. Do you love learning new languages ​​and reading about other cultures? Your long term goal should probably include traveling.

Since nothing worth doing is ever easy, it may not be very clear how to achieve your long term goals. It is very useful to consistently and often set short term goals that point in that general direction. You are most definitely going to run into roadblocks, setbacks, etc. Recognize that these are opportunities to learn. When you conquer a problem once, it is illegally that it will be a problem again. Overcoming these obstacles will strengthen your current skills, leave you with new ones, and clarify your path and goals. As long as you are working hard at it, your path will change, your goals will change, and you will change, but all for the better.