Tips For Playing Your Best Game of Cribbage

Whether you are a Cribbage player or a poker player, there is always a way to better your game. The only difference between Cribbage and poker, when it comes to strategy, is that Cribbage has had about 400 years of people playing it, so it is easier to figure out exactly what the game is all about and how to become a better player. With the following tips and tricks you will be able to improve your game, so that when you have your next Cribbage night, you can knock the socks off of your competition.

When it comes to tips for playing better cribbage you will probably know that there are many different ones floating around. The list below was compiled from expert sources and is known to actually improve your game.

Do not play numbers that can give your opponent a win

When a game of Cribbage is started it is often the tension of the beginner to play the good cards first. This is the wrong approach to take when you are leading the game. If you are making the opening play of the game, you do not want to play a 5 card or a 10 card. It will be safer if you played a 7 for instance. This is because the 5 card gives your opponent a chance to score a 2 if he or she has a 10 value card. The same goes for the 10, if your opponent has a 5, the first set of points will be awarded to them.

In a 2 player game, try to take the lead for a run

No, this does not mean that you need to take the person who played the first card for a jog around the block. It simply means that you need to anticipate your opponent's cards. When it comes time for meeting some points, and you think that your opponent's cards are suited to your own, play a card that will start a run. This could be any value card that allows you to run for a few rounds to form a three of a kind or a flush. So, if you were to play a 6, your opponent could play a 7, which is the start of a run. You will then need to top his play with an 8 and score 3 points.

Try keeping the lower cards for last

A mistake often made by a beginner to the game of Cribbage, is to play all of the lower cards first so as to not go over 31 and bust. This is a common misconception. The trick is to get rid of your higher cards and play the game so that you could end up, if you do not win, with the lower cards in your hands. Alternately, if there is a chance that you might win, you will need that lower value card to play in the last card slot, because chances are that you will only need a 3 to play for 15, or to remain lower than 31.