Putin declares WAR on rap music: President’s bid for control’ after artists’s arrest

The Russian President  announced the Kremlin would hold talks on regulating the power nation’s rap music scene, demanding Russia’s arts sector “take charge of it”. He said: “If it’s impossible to stop something, you’ve got to take charge of it. “How to do this, how to take charge and guide in the necessary direction. That’s the most important issue.” His comments come in the wake of Russian rapper Husky, who was jailed following a failed attempt by police in the country to censor his concerts that feature lyrics that target Mr Putin and his government.

When officers stormed a venue and made an attempt to intervene, he performed on a rooftop instead before bing arrested and thrown in jail for 12 days for hooliganism.

It was only after displays of public fury at the presidential administration that he was released early.

Igor Matvienko, a music producer and member of the advisory council, proposed creating a parental advisory guidance system for concerts.

Addressing the plan, Mr Putin said: “You said that rap rests on three pillars: Sex, drugs and protests.

“Of all of these, drugs are the most worrying. They are the route to a nation’s degradation.”

Mr Putin also addressed the enigma of how to control the music genre’s bad language.

Referring to a conversation he had with a linguist about swearing, he said: “She told me personally that it’s a part of our language.

“It’s just a question of how you use it.”

Mr Matvienko suggested issuing guidelines on the use of swear words, but Mr Putin said such words are pat of Russia’s common culture.

Likening bad language to body parts, Mr Putin joked: “We have all sorts of body parts, and it’s not like we put them on display all the time, whether it’s hot or cold.”

Meanwhile, Mr Putin is also working on apple to reply a Russian cyborg army to build a futuristic Kremlin base on the moon.

Lev Zelyony, Deputy Chairman of the Council on Space Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) and Director of the its Space Research Institute, said Moscow wanted to build two strategic observatories on the surface of the moon for “radio astronomy studies, cosmic ray research and other tasks”.

Dr Zelyony said: “Most operations there will be performed by robots.

“These observatories should operate in a semi-automatic mode with rare human intervention.”

Dr Zelyony said a permanent human presence was not needed with robots taking on more functions.