Red Dead Redemption 2 online character creator: How to change your RDR2 online character

Red Dead Redemption 2 online will open access to all players today, not just owners of the Ultimate Edtion. The online update to Rockstar’s hit open-world action-adventure title expands the game with new map areas, new modes and player-to-player interactions. But rather than play as protagonist Arthur Morgan, RDR2 online lets you create your very own outlaw. When creating your unique avatar, you will get to choose your name, outer appearance, whistle and attributes.

How to create your RDR2 online character?

RDR2 online sees you take on the role of an unnamed outlaw in conflict with the law.

But before you can sink your teeth into the highly anticipated game mode, you will have to make a number of choices about your appearance.

After a brief cutscene in the sheriff’s office, you will get to choose between a male and female template for your characters.

The game will then let you choose your outlaw’s name and appearance.

Rockstar teased: “Red Dead Online begins with creating your character.


“Detail your appearance and attributes before you set out on your journey from Sisika Penitentiary.”

In the appearance tab, you can cycle through a number of options from head shape and skin tone to age and facial features.

You can tweak the body shape option to give your character a prominent beer belly, a very skinny frame or a more athletic and fit for a stagecoach robber.

The age tab will affect the condition of your skin – the younger you choose to be, the fewer wrinkles will show up on your face.

Under the ‘Eyes and Brows’ tab, you can adjust the size, shape and position of your eyebrows as well as the colour of your eyes.

Play with the positioning of your eyes and brows to create a more menacing look fit for a wild west highwayman.

There are a total of 14 colour choices when adjusting your eyes and if you think your character likes to hit the bottle, you can also change the ‘redness’ around the pupils.

After that, you can play around with the ‘Nose’, ‘Mouth & Lips’ and ‘Jaw and Chin’ options.

Other options include beards, hairstyles and as well as scars to line your face in a manner of different spots.

You will also have the chance to work out what kind of whistle your outlaw should have.

Whistles are used to summon your faithful steed and you can pick one from a number of different styles and change their pitch and clarity.

The game will then as you to pick your attributes – ‘Health’, ‘Stamina’ and ‘Dead Eye’.

You will have two points to spend on this option, so choose your attributes widely.

Do you want a robust and healthy character or would you prefer a master Dead Eye sharpshooter?

How to change your RDR2 online character?

If at any point you grow tired of your character’s looks or would like to start over, you can head over to a barber, shaving station or tailor.

Barbers will give you a nice neat trim and shaving stations will let you choose the perfect matching beard or moustache.

At tailors, you can redo your entire wardrobe for a more suave or rugged look.