Type 2 diabetes: Symptoms of the blood sugar condition to look out for

Type 2 diabetes is a common condition that causes the level of sugar in the blood to become too high.

This happens when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin, or the body’s cells don’t react to insulin.

Insulin is needed to control the level of sugar in the blood and transfer it to the cells to be used as fuel for energy.

If insulin is unable to work properly, too much sugar will remain in the blood.

Type 2 diabetes is a lifelong condition that can’t be cured, but if left untreated it can lead to serious health problems.

Health problems associated with type 2 diabetes include heart disease and stroke, nerve damage and problems with the kidneys.

It can also cause foot sores and infections, vision loss and blindness, miscarriage and stillbirth.

What are the symptoms of type 2 diabetes?

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes don’t always make you feel unwell, so you may not realise you have the condition.

They can include needing to pee more than usual, especially at night, feeling thirsty all the time, and feeling very tired.

Unintentional weight loss, genital itching or thrush, blurred vision and cuts and wounds taking longer to heal are also symptoms.

“These symptoms occur because some or all of the glucose stays in the blood, and isn’t being used as fuel for energy,” said Diabetes UK.

The need to pee more develops as a result of the body trying to reduce blood glucose levels by flushing the excess glucose out of the body in the urine.

Genital thrush develops due to high levels of glucose being passed in the urine.

This creates the perfect breeding ground for the fungal infection which causes thrush.

“If you have any of symptoms of diabetes, you should contact your GP,” said Diabetes UK.

“It doesn’t necessarily mean you have diabetes, but it’s worth checking.”

“Early diagnosis, treatment and good control are vital for good health and reduce the chances of developing serious complications.”

Type 2 diabetes can be easy to miss as the condition develops quite slowly.

Knowing what the symptoms are can therefore help you to notice if you develop it.