View full election results


18-29 (16%) 30-44 (23%) 45-64 (38%) 65 or over (23%)


White (71%) Black (12%) Hispanic/Latino (12%) Asian (3%) Other (3%)


White (71%) Non-White (29%)


College graduate (41%) No college degree (59%)

Age by race

White 18-29 (9%) White 30-44 (16%) White 45-64 (28%) White 65+ (19%) Black 18-29 (2%) Black 30-44 (3%) Black 45-64 (5%) Black 65+ (2%) Latino 18-29 (3%) Latino 30-44 (2%) Latino 45-64 (3%) Latino 65+ (2%) All other (6%)

Which best describes your education? You have:

Never attended college (22%) Attended college but received no degree (25%) Associate’s degree (AA or AS) (11%) Bachelor’s degree (BA or BS) (25%) An advanced degree after a bachelor’s degree (such as JD, MA, MBA, MD, PhD) (17%)

National Region

East (20%) Midwest (25%) South (31%) West (24%)

Education and Race

White college graduates (31%) White no college degree (40%) Non-white college graduates (10%) Non-white no college degree (19%)

Education among Whites by Sex

White women college graduates (16%) White women no college degree (20%) White men college graduates (15%) White men no college degree (19%) Non-whites (29%)


Under $30,000 (17%) $30,000 – $49,999 (21%) $50,000 – $99,999 (28%) $100,000 – $199,999 (25%) $200,000 or more (9%)


Under $100,000 (66%) $100,000 or more (34%)


Under $50,000 (39%) $50,000 or more (61%)


Under $50,000 (39%) $50,000-$99,999 (28%) $100,000 or more (34%)

Party Identification

Democrat (38%) Republican (32%) Independent or something else (30%)

Party and Gender

Democratic men (14%) Democratic women (24%) Republican men (17%) Republican women (16%) Independent men (16%) Independent women (13%)


Liberal (27%) Moderate (37%) Conservative (35%)

Are you currently married?

Yes (58%) No (42%)

Gender by marital status

Married men (29%) Married women (29%) Unmarried men (18%) Unmarried women (23%)

Do you have any children under 18 living in your home?

Yes (32%) No (68%)

Do you have any children under 18 living in your home?

Yes, only boys (11%) Yes, only girls (9%) Yes, both boys and girls (12%) No children in home (68%)


Men with children (15%) Women with children (17%) Men without children (33%) Women without children (35%)

Does anyone in your household own a gun?

Yes (46%) No (54%)

Have you ever served in the U.S. military?

Yes (13%) No (87%)

Are you:

Protestant (24%) Catholic (24%) Other Christian (23%) Jewish (2%) Muslim (1%)

Not enough data

Other (7%) None (18%)


Protestant or other Christian (47%) Catholic (24%) Jewish (2%) Something else (8%) None (18%)

How often do you attend religious services?

Once a week or more (32%) A few times a month (14%) A few times a year (27%) Never (27%)

How often do you attend religious services?

At least monthly (45%) Few times a year or less (55%)

White born-again or evangelical Christian?

Yes (26%) No (74%)

Is this the first time you have ever voted in a midterm election?

Yes (17%) No (83%)

In the 2016 election for president, did you vote for:

Hillary Clinton (Dem) (43%) Donald Trump (Rep) (39%) Other (8%) Didn’t vote (8%)

Trump Approval

Strongly approve (30%) Somewhat approve (14%) Somewhat disapprove (8%) Strongly disapprove (47%)

Trump Approval

Approve (44%) Disapprove (55%)

Was one reason for your vote for U.S. House today:

To express support for Donald Trump (26%) To express opposition to Donald Trump (38%) Donald Trump was not a factor (34%)

Is your opinion of the Democratic Party:

Favorable (49%) Unfavorable (47%)

Is your opinion of the Republican Party:

Favorable (43%) Unfavorable (53%)

Race and Gender

White men (34%) White women (37%) Black men (5%) Black women (7%) Latino men (5%) Latino women (6%) All other races (6%)

Is your opinion of Nancy Pelosi:

Favorable (31%) Unfavorable (55%)

Would you rather see the U.S. House of Representatives controlled by:

The Democratic Party (53%) The Republican Party (43%)

Should Congress impeach Donald Trump and remove him from office?

Yes (41%) No (54%)

Do you think things in this country today are:

Generally going in the right direction (41%) Seriously off on the wrong track (55%)

Politically, do you think Americans are:

Becoming more united (9%) Becoming more divided (77%) Staying about the same (13%)

When did you finally decide for whom to vote in the U.S. House election?

In the last few days (8%) In the last week (8%) In the last month (19%) Before that (63%)

When did you finally decide for whom to vote in the U.S. House election?

In the last month (35%) Before that (63%)

When did you finally decide for whom to vote in the U.S. House election?

In the last week (17%) Before that (82%)

Which ONE of these four issues is the most important facing the country?

Health care (41%) Immigration (23%) The economy (22%) Gun policy (11%)

Do you think the condition of the nation’s economy is:

Excellent (16%) Good (50%) Not so good (24%) Poor (7%)

Do you think the condition of the nation’s economy is:

Excellent or good (67%) Not so good or poor (31%)

Compared to two years ago, is your family’s financial situation:

Better (36%) Worse (15%) About the same (49%)

How have Donald Trump’s trade policies affected the economy in your area?

Helped (25%) Hurt (30%) No impact (37%)

How have the tax laws passed last year affected your personal finances?

Helped (28%) Hurt (23%) No impact (44%)

Does the health care system in the United States need:

Major changes (70%) Minor changes (24%) No changes at all (4%)

Which party would better protect health care for people with pre-existing conditions?

The Democratic Party (58%) The Republican Party (34%)

Are Donald Trump’s immigration policies:

Too tough (48%) Not tough enough (16%) About right (32%)

Do you support or oppose stricter gun control measures?

Support (60%) Oppose (36%)

Do you think the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election is mostly:

Justified (42%) Politically motivated (53%)

How do you feel about Robert Mueller’s handling of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election?

Approve (42%) Disapprove (45%)

Is Donald Trump’s approach to foreign policy making:

The U.S. more safe (37%) The U.S. less safe (46%) No difference (13%)

How do you feel about Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court?

Support (43%) Oppose (48%)

What should the Supreme Court do about Roe vs. Wade, the 1973 decision that made abortion legal?

Keep it as is (67%) Overturn it (24%)

In general, how do you think things work in the U.S. today?

Whites are favored over minorities (43%) Minorities are favored over whites (18%) No group is favored (33%)

How important is it that more racial and ethnic minorities be elected to public office?

Very important (44%) Somewhat important (28%) Not too important (10%) Not at all important (13%)

How important is it that more racial and ethnic minorities be elected to public office?

Important (72%) Not important (23%)

How important is it that more women be elected to public office?

Very important (46%) Somewhat important (32%) Not too important (12%) Not at all important (7%)

How important is it that more women be elected to public office?

Important (78%) Not important (19%)

How serious a problem is sexual harassment in this country today?

Very serious (47%) Somewhat serious (37%) Not too serious (11%) Not at all serious (3%)

Not enough data

How serious a problem is sexual harassment in this country today?

Serious (84%) Not serious (13%)

Do you think the government has done enough to protect this election from foreign interference?

Yes (38%) No (50%)

Which concerns you more about today’s election? That people who:

Should not be able to vote will cast ballots (35%) Should be able to vote will be prevented from voting (54%)

Are you gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender?

Yes (6%) No (94%)

In your vote for U.S. House, how would you rate the importance of recent extremist violence?

The most important factor (23%) An important factor (51%) A minor factor (9%) Not a factor at all (9%)

In your vote for U.S. House, how would you rate the importance of recent extremist violence?

Important (74%) Not important (18%)

In your vote for U.S. House, how would you rate the importance of recent extremist violence?

A factor (83%) Not a factor (9%)

Community Type

Urban (33%) Suburban (50%) Rural (17%)

Do you have a favorable opinion of…

Both parties (6%) Only Democratic Party (42%) Only Republican Party (36%) Neither party (10%)