WATCH: Dr. Ian Smith shares his stress-busting tips

Transcript for Dr. Ian Smith shares his stress-busting tips

author Dr. Ian Smith, and he is going to help us out. He is going to help us heal our world of hurt as you call it. Go ahead. Sorry. Go ahead. I was thinking about what you hear about the most because I’m suffering through a back pain right now. She is in a lot of pain. A lot of pain. Back pain is typically the most common pain. Back or neck pain. So I want to do some neck pain though. Everyone has the little stiff neck, so I want to show you how to relieve pressure in your neck pain kind of immediately. It’s pretty easy. So stra, you lay down. I didn’t mean it that way. Get on the doctor’s table. Okay? Basically what you have to do — I have to work for this? Get nice and relaxed. You can also do it standing up. That’s actually feels very good. So typically, what you do is you have pain here in your neck in the occipital region, and what we want to do is find a trigger point. That is an area and a band of muscle that is tight. So you go from your scapula that’s here, and there is a muscle here. Who you calling the vader scapula? What you do either with your thumb, or your two fingers, and you want to find the tender area until he says that it’s tender. Oh yeah. Right there. Where? Where? Right there. Right there, and then you want to hold it down until he was a pain out of seven of ten. That’s going to be hard. He is a hall of famer. Ah! Did that hurt? I’m sorry, Michael. I’m sorry. Good thing we’re on TV. Okay. So you want to hold it there for about 60 seconds. Does that hurt though? A little bit. It hurts but it’s going away. That’s what do you. When you find the spots, the trigger points to help release and hold it down and you can go up here and do it. Does that help with a headache, doc? Absolutely because this can cause the headache because of the tension in your sub occipital region. How much is right? How much is right? Exactly. Too little pressure is like this. That’s nothing. That’s too little pressure. See that right there? Too much pressure which is what you did in the beginning. Want me to do it for you? Can you? You don’t want this, guys. That’s what you don’t want. That’s called a broken back. But the right amount of pressure is typically about this. That’s typically what it is. About a seven out of ten. You ask your client when they are having pain. You have got to be gentle. These are trigger point releases, okay? You have got to be gentle. You just don’t do this. You’re really strong and you have to break into that muscle. That’s what I was taught. You broke into that one all right. I also want to get so some ankle pain. Switch gears a little bit. Sara, you come over here. Stra, you come over here. Ankle injuries, about 3 million ankle sprains a year. Now I got to work. Give us your left foot. Closer to him. Good thing I got a pedicure. That’s so embarrassing. You want to get an ace bandage, no more than about three inches. Okay. Here’s the idea. Th idea is something called R.I.C.E. Rest, which is what you are doing nicely. I’m good at that. Everybody should have these ice packs at home. So put the ice on. That will reduce the swelling, but also compression. That’s the “C.” Cold, very quickly. So stra, this is what you want to do. You want to take your bandage, and be careful of how tight you do it. Remember. I used to get these in college, and it’s awful when they do it too tight. Your toes turn purple. So this is what you want to do. You want to make sure you can start from here or here, but you want to make sure this is looser than this year because it becomes a tourniquet. The blood. It will not allow the fluid to seep back up. Start there. Do two wraps around. Okay. So you went too loose. I didn’t want to cut off her circulation. You’re much nicer to me than I was to you. I’m sorry, Michael. There you go. Two around is your base. Two inches above the ankle and do a figure eight down like this. Yep. I remember those. Do you want your foot flexed? I want your foot to be at 90 degrees. Make her foot at 90 degrees and keep coming down. That’s right, and you want to go to about the base of the toes. That’s what you want to do. Now you want to make sure it’s a little tighter at the toes than it is above the ankle so the fluid still has room to go back up because it’s the swelling that causes the pain. Your nerves become sensitive and it has no room for the fluid to go. Should I stay home from work if this happens? No. Here’s the key though. I think it looks bad, right? Well, I have a question. When you are done, do you do, like, a rodeo? Here’s the key though. Is it a sprain or a fracture? You know it’s a fracture if for example, you can’t walk on it. The pain is, like, a ten out of ten and after five or seven days it’s not getting better, you go see a doctor. You go see a doctor.

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