High blood pressure: What every kitchen cupboard needs if you want to maintain healthy BP

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is when the pressure of the blood in the body is too high.

This then puts pressure on the blood vessels, which can eventually lead to serious complications such as heart attacks and strokes.

High blood pressure can be caused by many factors, one of which is your diet and the food you eat.

Eating too much salt is one factor which can cause blood pressure to become high, as is eating too much fatty food.

You’re more at risk of developing high blood pressure if you are overweight or obese.

So, what should you be eating to ensure your blood pressure stays at a healthy level?

“If you want to eat a blood pressure lowering diet, you need to have blood pressure friendly foods to hand,” said Blood Pressure UK.

“One of the hardest parts about eating healthily is making sure you have the right foods to hand when you want to eat.”

“The best way to give yourself a head start is to make sure your kitchen is stocked with the right ingredients.”

Here’s what you should have in your kitchen cupboard:


Many breakfast cereals can be high in sugar and salt, as can white bread.

Wholegrain, on the other hand, can reduce the risk of heart disease. So you should stock your cupboard with brown rice, wholewheat pasta and wholegrain cereals.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds can be high in fat, but are also a good source of minerals and fibre.

You should therefore ensure you eat no more than one or two handfuls a day, and avoid roasted and salted nuts.

Canned products

Canned products, such as fish, fruit, vegetables and beans, can be just as good as fresh and frozen variants.

However, this is only if you choose those that are packed in fresh water or their own juice.

Avoid cans backed in oil, brine or syrup, or have added salt or sugar.