Ten things you never knew about… Chile

1. Chileans must hang the national flag from every building in the country on September 18 and 19…

2. …and the flag must be in perfect condition and hung from a white pole on the front of the building.

3. The origin of the name Chile is obscure. The Spanish got the name from the Incas. It may have been the name of a tribal chief or a word meaning end of the Earth or seagulls.

4. Until the start of the 20th century, the English spelt the name as Chili.

5. The Atacama Desert in Chile has the reputation of being the driest place on earth. In some parts, it has never been known to rain.

6. San Alfonso del Mar in Chile boasts the world’s largest swimming pool, more than 1,000m long.

7. Chile is the world’s largest producer and exporter of copper.

8. There are about 500 active volcanoes in Chile. Indonesia is the only country with more.

9. Chile has won two Nobel Prizes, both for literature: Gabriela Mistral and Pablo Neruda…

10. … and also won two Olympic gold medals, both for tennis in 2004: Nicolás Massú (men’s singles), Massú and Fernando González (men’s doubles).