A Review of Tiffany Dow's "Building an E-Book Empire" – Part One

Writing a review of anything means you have to be a critic. But a critical review is not necessarily critical, right? Could be though. Even critics who usually give praise can be brutal. Or a great review can be written by one of the toughest critics. It just depends. On what? It depends on whether they like it or not, right? Will I bash Tiffany Dow's eBook, "Building An eBook Empire" or will I give it rave reviews? Well, it depends …

"Building An eBook Empire" – Is It Just Another 'How-To' eBook?

Yes it is. It is a "how-to" eBook but I'm not planning to review the "how-to's" step by step here. Movie critics would be out of a job if their reviews were just the facts – the list of actors, details of the plot, the director, how long it lasts, yada yada. That's boring. But I will review a few of Dow's how-to details that are not the least bit boring:

  • How to create and launch an ebook
  • How to set up shop, an eBook shop!

How to Create An eBook

Pick A Topic

The first week, Dow said, is research time. Focus on headlines. Through the week, write things down that sound like a headline. Some of them will absolutely become chapter titles. Do not worry about the title of the eBook just yet.

During this first week, do not get hung up on what you want to write about – it's research time to find out what the market needs and wants. Headlines will jump out at you. Write them down. This is not the time to write about what you like. Do that on your own "free" time. This is a money making project. Dow is so funny describing this whole part of the process. I will not give away the punch line but she writes so well, that while you learn you laugh.

You can pick your niche in the market but you have to know how. Dow shows you how to pick a niche or how to pick a bigger market than a narrowed down niche in that market.

Long before hearing anything about this ebook, I was polled. Dow polls her list. I am on it and she is very sincere about finding out what the people on her list need. It's a critical step towards building an eBook empire and it is also part of the launch. It's called email marketing.

Email Marketing – Part of the Launch

Dow lectures email marketing as part of your research and part of your promo – the launch. Email marketing is very important and extremely effective under certain conditions, the proper, conditions. What conditions? How you treat your list.

Over time, if you treat the people on your list well, giving them valuable information that you have discovered that they want and need, then when you make an offer, they will not refuse. Dow knows exactly how to build a loyal list and how to keep it going and growing. That's how she learns what meat to put into each ebook.

Writing An eBook – Dare To Be Average

As you build relationships with your email list, more headlines will come to mind. Start looking over the headlines you've written down and begin to write. Dow says to write a chapter per week. Do not write like you did in school. Write like you talk. Do not have a target word count that you are going for – just write until your done. She mentions how a 500 page eBook can be less valuable than a 15 page special report.

Creating the first eBook of your empire might take a while but do not try to be perfect. Just write chapters for your favorite headlines, The order will sort of fall into place. Think of the whole thing as a draft that no one will read. That will help you get finished. Perfectionism is a killer to making money online. Put your perfection on the back burner and "Dare to be average." Learning from Dow, your eBook Empire will not turn out to be average at all so do not worry about it. Just get started.

A Review of Tiffany Dow's "Building An eBook Empire" – PART TWO: How To Set Up Your Own eBook Shop!

Stay tuned for PART TWO.