Board Game Inventing Success Secrets

Ok, if you want to hear that coming up with a successful board game idea that could make you tens of thousands up front and make you a substantial income for a few years is easy, then you have come to the wrong place.

I won’t sugar coat the truth that even though it is possible to make a successful board game that could make you rich or well off is possible, unless you have an early success it will probably take you some time.


Since l have been at this for more than a few years, (with one success) l can give you some tips to help increase your chances of an early success.

• Keep trying even when you fail more than 3 times, l failed 7 times before hitting on a successful puzzle idea.

• Develop at least 3 ideas before approaching a toy company in order to increase your changes and make them eager to want to see you again.

• Use coloured pencils to relay your ideas to them, it will carry more weight and give you a better chance than a quick black and white pencil sketch.

• If you develop an idea you are dead set on, develop it as much as possible first. Walking in with a card game, where you can sit down and have a real game with them will substantially increase your chances of a signed contract.

There are many more, but these will give you a head start in this industry.

Also when you develop an idea with a 3D aspect, try using coloured foam sheets which you can get from most craft shops. You can use a glue gun and thin wire as well if moving parts are required. Great for showing an idea you think is a winner and you want to show it in the most complete version possible.

Developing board games with the conventional format, (playing board, cards, dice, etc) will, in my opinion give you the best chance of success. Puzzles come next and toys last.

Why? I hear you ask.

Mainly because of the cost and popularity; board games can make you up to $60,000 per year for a few years.

Puzzles can make you $10,000 to $15,000 over several years, or more if you are lucky.

And toys, which are generally the most expensive to produce are at the bottom of the list, (although some toys have hit the jackpot) profit margins usually reflect puzzle incomes.

So…there you have it, get your thinking caps on, develop a simple board game idea and make serious money!