Abzu | Chilled-Out Game Reviews

Abzu is an ocean exploration “walking simulator” style game with beautiful visuals and music.

I love playing games and often use them to help me to deal with stress and relax. Chilled-Out Game Reviews give you a relaxing game review experience and cover all sorts of games that I find are great after a long day.

The game is Abzu, developed by Giant Squid.

Game is £14.99 on Steam

Music from Jukedeck – create your own at jukedeck.com (seriously, it’s a really handy place for music)

Closed Captions / Subtitles available in UK English

Twitter: @JoolzZenda
Instagram: @joolzzenda

Thank you so much to everyone who’s helped in captioning and translating my videos! If you want to help out too – http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?c=UC6VshhhiX4MK7L3nfH_cIsQ&tab=2

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