30 spring cleaning tricks you’ll wish you’d known all along – CNET

Have fun while you clean

Flash-clean your stovetop

Power your way through grime

Stop wiping and start covering

Wrangle your gaming gear

Get superclean with self-cleaning ovens

Use your snack to clean up

Give your pillow some pop

Refluff your towels, too

Smudgeproof stainless steel

Clean your ceiling fan without breaking a sweat

Throw things in the washing machine

Use your dishwasher to its full potential

Get rid of appliance clutter

Quick-clean your toaster

Clean pans right the first time

Make your own dishwasher detergent

DIY laundry detergent

Clean out your pantry

Remove pet hair with a hand mixer

Clean your jewelry in a slow cooker

Clean floors with coconut oil

Blow away crayon

Baby your blow dryer

Clean glass with a coffee filter

Clean your shower curtain in less time

Clean the inside of your oven window

Get your sheets white

Get your fluffy bed friends dry

Get rid of plastic bags