We need to be mindful as we develop thought-reading tech

outlines of people

Bombaert Patrick/Getty

HOWEVER much technology knows about you – and you would be surprised how much it does (see “I exposed how firms and politicians can manipulate us online”) – there is one firewall that it can’t penetrate: your skull. Unless you choose to share your thoughts, they remain private.

But for how much longer? Increasingly, a combination of brain scanning and artificial intelligence is opening the black box, gathering signals from deep inside the mind and reverse-engineering them to recreate thoughts. For now, the technology is limited to vision – working out what somebody is looking at from their brain activity (see “Mind-reading AI uses brain scans to guess what you’re looking at”) – but in principle there appears no reason why the entire contents of our minds couldn’t be revealed.


This line of research inevitably raises fears about the ultimate invasion of privacy: mind reading. It is not difficult to imagine some sort of device that can simply be pointed at somebody’s head to extract their thoughts.

Not difficult to imagine, but extremely difficult to realise. At present, the scanning part is done by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). This requires an extremely large and expensive piece of equipment and, crucially, the total consent of the brain being scanned. Subjects have to enter a narrow tunnel on a gurney with their head held perfectly still, and submit to a lengthy examination. On top of that, fMRI is still a fairly crude device for mind reading. It has been criticised for producing colourful cartoons of brain activity but not much actual data.

Other imaging techniques are available, but none could easily be turned into a portable device inconspicuous enough to use without the subject’s consent. The simplest, EEG, has to be donned like a cap or headband and is hopelessly inaccurate unless the subject is not moving.

“In principle there appears no reason why the entire contents of our minds could not be revealed”

Nevertheless, we should not dismiss mind reading as being forever confined to laboratory conditions. The AI side of the equation is a game changer: with enough training, perhaps it could learn to extract useful signals from a noisy EEG trace.

Even today, the combination of fMRI and AI could be developed for limited uses, such as accessing the thoughts of people in a minimally conscious state. This is possible to some extent now, and is already controversial.

Similarly, it may be feasible to develop polygraph-like tests for people accused of crimes, to assess what they really know. Again, this is not without precedent and is extremely contentious. A decade ago a US-based company called Cephos began selling fMRI scans to defendants. Around the same time, courts in India started accepting evidence from an extremely controversial brain scanning technique called brain electrical oscillation signature (BEOS) profiling.

Cephos ceased selling scans in 2010 after a court ruled the technology wasn’t permissible, but other companies have stepped in to offer similar things; BEOS profiling is still being used in the Indian legal system.

Mass surveillance mind-reading is not on the cards. But even the limited applications are troubling. That is one black box we should think very hard about opening.

This article appeared in print under the headline “Your mind is not your own”

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