Kissing under mistletoe: Top 10 facts about the plant commonly used at Christmas

1. There are around 1,300 species of mistletoe worldwide, around 20 of which are endangered. 

2. Mistletoe is a parasite, sinking its roots into a tree from which it obtains it nutrients. 

3. Phoradendron is the scientific name for mistletoe, meaning “thief of the tree” in Greek. 

4. The word mistletoe comes from an observation in Anglo-Saxon times it often grew around bird poo. “Mistal” meant “dung” and “tan” was “twig”.

5. Several birds, butterflies and bees live off the berries, leaves and nectar of mistletoe, making it an important part of the ecosystem.

6. In Norse mythology, mistletoe’s white berries were the tears of the goddess Frigga which restored to life her murdered son Balder.

7. Long before Christmas trees, a “kissing bough” hung with mistletoe was a popular decoration. 

8. Any woman who refused a kiss under the mistletoe was said to be punished with bad luck. 

9. After a kiss, men plucked a mistletoe berry. When no berries were left, the kissing had to stop. 

10. Mistletoe berries contain a poison called phoratoxin. Don’t eat them.