‘Same jobs – different pay’ Dutch PM blasts EU as citizens bear brunt of trade deal pain

Speaking to International Monetary Fund [IMF] managing director Christine Lagarde on a Bloomberg panel, Mark Rutte said it was important countries could “deal with the impact” of trading arrangements.

Appearing alongside Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the politician hailed the ’s Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement [CETA] with Canada.

He said: “It is crucial that a deal is about free trade and it has to be fair trade and it has to be a balance and I think CETA is a case in point.

“But then as a national government there is a lot to make sure your population is taken along – that they can deal with the impact for example in education, making sure people are well-educated, that people can reap the benefits from trade deals.

“Secondly to prevent, we see sometimes in the European Union that people in the same place for the same jobs get different pay and this cannot happen.

“So we need to have a system in which we have for the same types of jobs, same type of pay in the same type of circumstances – that’s also crucial.”

He also said pushing an agenda of globalisation was about ensuring income inequality levels remained relatively the same and “acceptable to society”.

Mr Rutte said it was about “creating an environment people will accept that trade is necessary”.

The comments come after the Dutch Prime Minister  after his deluded State of the European Union (EU) address last month.

He suggested the European Commission President should “see a doctor” about his views on the EU.

He said: “Juncker is a romantic. I am more of a when you have visions, go see a doctor kind of guy.”