IT movie: Watch Pennywise TERRIFY real people in HILARIOUS hidden camera prank

The IT movie is about to traumatise cinema audiences worldwide but a television channel has got there first.

You may want to turn down the volume as the ear-splitting shrieks of terrified members of the public follow the apppearance of the menacing clown.

Why anyone would stick their hands into a manhole or sewer late at night is a mystery but the reaction to a bunch of red balloons coming around the corner in a dark underpass is inevitable.

Reassuringly, men are no braver than women as everyone screams and runs for their lives.


Brazilian broadcaster SBT frequently runs prank videos as apart of the Silvio Santos show.

The latest has been a monstrous online hit, going viral in just 48 hours with almost one million views.

The first of two scenes shows a young boy dressed exactly like Georgie in his bright yellow raincoat. He stops innocent passers-by and aks if they can help him get his paper boat out from the manhole. The helpful folk crouch down, reach in and glimpse the white face and petrifying eyes of Pennywise, who erupts from below.

Cue screaming and panic-stricken running away.

The second scene is set in a gloomy underpass. 

As unsuspecting people walk through, a bunch of red balloons float into view, followed by Pennysie in his full white clown outfit and evil grin.

Cue more screaming, running and possible bladder issues.