‘It’s BRITAIN’S fault’ France blasts UK as Calais migrants board lorries in traffic jam

Violence erupted on Saturday afternoon at the French port as at least 60 young migrants tried to take advantage of the chaos caused by the heavy traffic.

Police officers used tear gas and batons to disperse gangs of mostly men looking to break into lorries on route to Britain.

A lane shortage on the main A16 motorway hd considerably slowed traffic down, opening up the opportunity for the gang of migrants to take advantage of the bottle neck.

And as the violence raged on, French authorities blamed the UK for failing to open enough lanes at the end of the summer holiday season.

Local Police Chief Jean-Philippe Vennin said: “Our British colleagues had opened only nine of our fourteen lanes this weekend, even though we expected 9,000 vehicles in the Eurotunnel and 7500 at the port.”

It is unknown if any of the migrants suffered injuries themselves as they escaped before any arrests were made.

The gangs were made up of mainly Afghans, Eritreans and Sudanese all looking to reach the UK and claim asylum.

Cars and coaches full of Britons looked on in horror as groups and individuals tried to climb on to UK-bound lorries.

And images taken at Calais show migrants pressed against barriers, waiting for their chance to get to Britain.

French authorities shut down the infamous ‘Jungle’ of Calais last October, which was home to some 10,000 migrants, but the port that is a gateway to the UK is still a hot spot for asylum seekers. 

Reports of migrants setting up road blocks, attacking lorry drivers and being caught in road accidents trying to get to the UK still plague the French authorities. 

In this latest attack, three riot officers were injured trying to prevent migrants boarding lorries.